I ordered earrings from Stella & Dot but what I received was an experience. Their packaging comes very personalized with messages like, “You’re Gorgeous, Tres Chic and Hey There Beautiful.” Even though I made this purchase for myself it felt like someone was sending me a gift. It made a moment in my day, stand out, I felt special and I did indeed feel Fabulous just like the little thank you note said.
The packaging is creative, warm and Tres Chic itself. As for the earrings I ordered, well THEY were beautiful and I can’t wait to rock them.
After having my experience opening my cute little package, I decided to look into who was behind this Stella & Dot, what are they about?
Jessica Herrin worked in corporate America and in 2003 she started Luxe Jewels from her Living Room. (She’s also known for her very popular WeddingChannel.com) In 2007 Blythe Harris joined as a partner and they re-named the business after their grandmothers, Stella & Dot. How cute is that?! Jessica wanted a business where she was her own boss and managed her own calendar. As a mother, she understood the struggle women faced in a regular 9 to 5. She created a business where similar to Mary Kay, women could be entrepreneurs and create careers in which they are their own boss. There is a wonderful interview with Jessica on Maria Shriver’s blog, you can find that here: http://mariashriver.com/blog/2013/08/how-i-did-it-jessica-herrin-ceo-and-founder-of-stella-dot-daniel-jenks/
I highly recommend the tips she shares on her time management. So many of us juggle various hats and roles in our lives and she hits it on the nail describing how we can better manage our duties and realize that not everything is that important.
If you haven’t yet experienced a purchase from Stella & Dot, check out my fabulous stylists site, The Fabulous Leslie Gil, at www.stelladot.com/Gil
Happy Shopping!