Do you have a hard time keeping the kids educated during the summer time? I find it’s difficult to keep them in a learning mode when it’s all about play time and no school. Above is a regular evening of sitting him down to do some math, not so happy face. I can’t blame him, they work hard throughout the school year. I remember how much fun our summers were as kids, but I also didn’t have such a hard time picking up things I’ve learned like my son seems to have. So it’s something I struggle with. I’ve started making it a part of our weeks. At least every other day, which I believe is fair, we make sure to read, write and do math. After all practice is what keeps us up to date on things. Some days he fights this more than others, but parents can’t give in. I have to be stern about it or he’ll always try to wiggle his way out of it. The other day I said, let’s play school and this was such a hit. We took about an hour and I had my son and daughter play the students. I was Mrs. Studdlemuffin, but they didn’t like that name lol. So I shortened it to mrs. Muffin. It was funny to me and they smiled at it. We did some homework, had a pretend recess, had a fake trip to the zoo, had science class, did more homework, fake lunch, more homework and then it was time to go home. Of course we shortened the time for everything, first homework page was about 10 minutes, fake recess was about 5 minutes, fake zoo trip was checking out our dogs who were pretend lions and tigers and then going outside and looking for lizards and beetles, 10 minutes. You get the point, make it fun. Lunch was a quick snack of grapes and strawberries and by the end of the hour, we had done some educational work and had fun along the way.