A million thoughts a minute, here and gone, what was I thinking? Where’s my to do list? Oh, right, it’s in my head. Yeah, the one that forgets every other minute of her thoughts because they are as fast as a speeding train. I have to prepare my daughters birthday party invitations, find a place to print some business cards by tomorrow, I have to request the correct days off at work for September, I have to plan a Halloween Party and a huge expo at work. There are a ton of other things work related and home/kid related. Where do I start and when does it end? I am actually kind of excited with all this buzz and busyness but I sure hope I can get organized and fast. I have a hair appt tomorrow and then I have to get my nails done and these are things I do only every 3 months or so 🙂 But it is falling all together at once. So in the morning i’ll hand out my daughters party invites at her school, then maybe during my lunch break I can find a place to print my business cards and after work I will head to my appointments. So much to do, so little time, time to get popping. Can you share your tips on how you keep track of your to do items when life is flying by faster than you can catch your breath? Share your ideas, thanks.
Hey lady great blog. Overwhelming can be controlled. If you don’t already use a day planner. Get yourself one. Size/type is up to you. But put gown everything you need to do on the day it needs to be done. You can prioritize order when the day gets closer. If you write it down you can let your mind rest because now you can’t forget it. By doing this it will unclutter your brain and you won’t feel like a speeding train all the time. I know as long as its written down I can relax about it. Use pencil if you want to change things easily. Key is to write in it as soon as you have a new to-do every day and refer to it often. Put your appts kids things, hubby’s too. They have some called Busy Mommy’s planner. Good luck. Blog your experience with it if you try it!! I use my planner religiously.
Hi Sandie, thanks for that tip. You know a good friend of mine, Cheryl, got me into planners back in my Horizon days and I must say it truly worked. I think I need to look into that again because its just too much stuff going on 🙂 Thanks for reminding me about this useful, even if not techy, tool 🙂 Paper and Pencil it is!
Hey Janet! Great blog! First time I am seeing this! What is also useful is putting everything on your calendar on ur phone. This way u can review it daily, weekly and monthly to see where u are at with everything from kids activities, to doctors appts, etc.
AJ, you know how you love your phone, there’s an app to get you organized and you probably already have one on your phone. I use mine to remind me of things, but most importantly my shopping list bc I’ll walk into Wally world and forget exactly what I went in there for and come out with something I had no intentions of buying…LOL You know I suffer from old-zhimers so it really does help. Download one if you don’t have one and you’ll wonder what took you so long…LOL