Today’s thought is about Smart Phones and Technology and how far we’ve come in just 15 years. I really didn’t think about it much, until I received a note from Rutgers University that they wanted to use my quote for a campaign letter. You see, it’s the class of 2000, 15th anniversary next year and RU sent out a survey a few months ago. In honor of our 15th anniversary, our class has set a goal to raise $25,000 to name a Group Study Room in Alexander Library. They asked us for a memory we had of Alexander Library on the New Brunswick campus, a place I spent a lot of time in. Below is what I shared with them.
This made me realize how far we’ve truly come in just 15 years. Lightning speed. We’ve come a long long way from checking emails a few times a week to ever 10 minutes. No wonder our kids are so different than we were at their age. We laugh and giggle at the funny pins on pinterest that make reference to our childhood but if you stop and truly think about it…!!!!! Our kids have ipods, we had cassette players. We had one family game system, Nintendo. Many households now have a Wii and an Xbox. Our kids have email, we had pen pals via snail mail. How do you keep up with so much technology?
The class of 2000 is asking our alumni for a donation/class gift to offer Rutgers University students a place to work as a group, gain an invaluable professional skill-set, and a place we can visit with our families in the years to come. Will you help us leave our mark? The class page link is