A prayer for myself, God help me…..
God help me to be more loving, especially to myself.
Remind me to practice what I preach, so that I may be a good role model.
Guide me to self-acceptance, so that I can reject ridicule, even if it’s made up in my bad neighborhood mind.
God help me to be more patient, and remind me that the race I’ve felt I’ve been in since I was a child, is not a race, but simply life and no one is timing me.
Remind me to be better to myself, so that I can be of value to others.
Guide me to see my happiness, the cup half full, instead of empty, so that I can bask in it and enjoy it.
God help me to open my mind and be free, so that I can cut loose the ties of worry and roadblocks.
Remind me that failure comes before success.
Guide me down the path you’ve intended for me to follow.
God help me to be at peace with time used the way I want to use it, and not feel like it’s a waste for not cramming something into every second of it.
Remind me that no one can take away my faith and that I must nourish it and teach my children to cultivate it.
Guide me towards your light and ways so that I may continue to teach my children the same.
God help me to be in no hurry to get to where I think I should be, instead
Remind me that you’re on this journey with me and that though I walk through the valley of darkness, I shall fear no evil.
Guide me towards like-minded people, who will not only share but listen.
God Help me to be more disciplined in my life, in all the ways you see fit.
Remind me that with practice comes strength and that I can do whatever I put my mind to.
Guide me in this world that feels sad, scary and lost. Show me the good and how to stand up for what I believe in so that all the small acts of many can save our planet.
God help me to appreciate me.
Remind me that life is not meant to be easy.
Guide me to be the best mom I can be for the little people that depend on me to help them grow and mold them into amazing citizens.
Great read…….totally can relate as a mother myself. Something to definitely read over and over again and follow!!