Do you ever have a momma tantrum and then 2 seconds after you finish screaming your head off, stop to think, “I’m going crazy!” Yeah, me too.
I’m constantly thinking about what ifs. It’s the worst and now I think about what If regarding my babes… Need to fight the fears.
You love them to pieces, but they also drive you up a wall. You miss them and adore them but sometimes you just need a break. It’s okay, human, hellur?!
Yes, and this is the key. One of my favorite quotes because you always have the opportunity to be a good mom, even if they don’t like you for it. In the end, they will (hopefully) look back and think, “my mom was a good egg.”
There are so many times we have to finish a load, clean up the house, work on a project. Just don’t forget to properly balance your time and priorities. Make memories, live in the moments and have a little fun every day.
Don’t have regrets, remember that it’s the little things. You know, the ones that one day will be the big things.