My first interview is with the lovely Cheryl Barclay. Check out the interview below and be inspired.
- You are following a passion of yours, that is separate from your career. Tell us what your passion is and why?
My passion is yoga…both practicing and teaching it. Over time, my yoga journey has essentially reconnected me to myself – physically and spiritually…and my affinity for yoga continues to grow and solidify daily (something almost unheard of for someone like me who typically gets bored very easily!). After 5 years, I still experience yoga as a beautiful dance, a gift I can savor for the rest of my life. And considering that I am only 2 weeks from my 50th birthday, it’s an even more significant gift for me at this point in my “mid-life” J It provides a space for my own powerful, inner communion and connection through deep, cleansing, life-giving breath, delicious opening and stretching, and yes plenty of sweating!
2. How did you start the journey on the path to your passion?
Nearly 5 years ago I undertook a spiritual and physical detox with the goal of developing a healthier, more powerful relationship with my body by working with a Fitness Coach whose mantra is “Movement is Life”. A huge part of our work together in re-establishing a healthy mind-spirit-body connection involved exploring various kinds of movement in hopes of finding the one I ultimately could not WAIT to do. While I enjoyed experimenting with different forms of movement including Niyolates, running, and Intensati, I was also drawn to trying a few styles of yoga as part of my quest, and ultimately I found myself coming back to yoga more and more until I was intentionally making room in my life for at least 3 classes per week. Over time, my feelings about – and relationship with – my body began to shift and ultimately transform as I allowed the teachings to really seep into my consciousness and slowly began to integrate them. As one of my favorite teachers talked about embracing, celebrating and loving the body we have been gifted with, just as it is, I began to experience a deeper and more authentic feeling of gratitude for the power and the beauty of my body, and savored the sense of freedom, fun, joy and play I experienced in class each week. It became clear to me that yoga is simply a gift and a blessing for EVERYONE and every BODY, no matter the shape, size or color…a powerful, passionate and inspired journey back to our highest self.
Thus, my lifelong love affair with yoga began.
With my new found passion and transformation came courage, and wanting to share this passion and transformation as a yoga teacher was a natural progression from there. Within a few short months I found myself on a Teacher Training journey towards my first of three 200 hour certifications. Ever the happy sponge and always a student wanting to deepen my own practice, enhance my learning, and offer more to my own students, I continue to soak up all things yoga wherever I can, under the guidance of extraordinary teachers to whom I remain deeply grateful for their wisdom and inspiration. For me, this journey as a teacher continues to be a powerful vehicle I am clear the Universe has gifted to me for my own spiritual evolution, as it constantly moves me waaay out of my comfort zone to take risks I would never before have taken, and push myself in ways I never would otherwise. So I call yoga my “Ride or Die” love…I will go and grow wherever it takes me!
3. What advice do you have for our readers on going after a goal of theirs?
NEVER judge nor compare yourself to others…we all have our own unique gifts, talents and skills and there IS enough room at the table for all of us, if we are willing to commit to our passion and work hard enough to make it bear fruit. If you tend to be your own worst critic, or compare yourself to others, make a real effort to work on resisting those urges because they WILL stop you! Trust in your own rightful place at the table. Trust the process. Put your intentions out into the Universe, move a little bit each day in the direction of your dream and let the Universe take care of the details. Remember: a little healthy competition isn’t bad but stay away from comparing/harsh self-judgment…nothing will stop you in your tracks, steal your joy or kill your dream faster!
4. What is your favorite quote or piece of advice and why?
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, “Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?” Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We’re all meant to shine as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we’re liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. ~ Marianne Williamson
5. Where does your inspiration come from and when you need a big dose of it, what do you do?
I have created a ritual of praying first thing every morning, before even getting out of bed. For me it’s like plugging in and connecting with my spiritual power source. I ask for insight and inspiration, for my heart and mind to be opened so that I can clearly see the lesson a situation is trying to teach me…I ask to learn and grow from situations and circumstances. The Universe will respond by providing insight and inspiration through sooo many different means… music is a HUGE one, especially Gospel music…the words of friends, strangers, my yoga teachers…yoga itself (both practicing and teaching), TV shows like Super Soul Sunday, books, movies, little wisdom nuggets that come via email or FB posts, newsletters, the moon, babies of all kinds, whether animal or human, of course my beloved cows, the look, feel and smell of roses…anything I love and that makes my heart smile can serve as inspiration! I think the key is that when we are open to/actively looking for inspiration, the Universe will respond and provide it in the most unexpected ways and places 🙂
You can find information on Cheryl’s classes and other passions on her website:
If you know someone that inspires you and you’d like to suggest them for an interview, please let me know in the comments below.
I love this blog and this interview was fabulous. Ms. Barclay you are an amazing example of living your passion. I salute you and am very proud of you. I only hope to find a way to become passionate about a form of exercise as you have. Something that is spiritually, physically, and emotionally healthy. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and passion and thank you Janeth for this blog 🙂
Thank you JaVonne Cheryl is an amazing talent. So glad she shared her words with us.