I turned 40 in July and as I approached a new decade, I felt I had to have more wisdom. And of course I did, but what were the lessons I learned? I took a month to self reflect on just that. While I still don’t feel my age, I felt the number should bring with it, some knowledge. So I looked inward and thought about the wisdom I had earned over the years. I shared a daily picture with lessons for 30 days on Instagram. You can see them on Instagram, starting here. Recently I came across a post a friend shared on Facebook. She listed the lessons she learned along her journey to 40 and I felt connected to those lessons. I asked if I could share and she agreed. Here they are below. I hope you find them as inspiring as I did.
Post written by: Zinia Sanchez
Some lessons learned along my journey…
1. Put God first above all things.
2. Life is short and moments are few, cherish all, the good and the bad because they are both needed to have balance.
3. Never stop telling people you love them even if they hurt you.
4. Never lose hope in what God has planned for you.
5. Hug hug and give more hugs.
6. Always try to be kind and giving even when people do things to you to make you not want to give at all.
7. Have an open mind and heart to all because God loves everyone and Jesus came to save not to judge.
8. Emotions are just emotions and they should not make your decisions.
9. Always sing … Always!
10. Laugh as much as possible because crying makes me have ear infections 🙂
11. Love myself.. Not selfishly or arrogantly but respectfully.
12. Forgive … A lot.
13. Help others and give.
14. Dance as much as I can.
15. Dont assume anything.
16. Enjoy being alone but never lose hope in finding love.
17. Respect is earned not just freely given.
18. Be very thankful for everything.
19. Time is more valuable than money.
20. Im still growing…. And have a long way to go…..