Matthew Tricarico is a songwriter, actor, singer, and musician. At 15, Matthew was recruited by a friend to join a band. He played the guitar and after the lead singer left the band, he was discovered to be a songwriter who could also sing. Shy yet confident, he agreed to push past his fears and took center stage. Fast-forward seven years and Matthew has released his first rock CD, entitled Beyond Boundaries. It’s amazing that this young man has achieved a goal that he is passionate about at such a young age. Many of us get stuck in the face of fear.
Motherhood full of Dreams talked with Matthew and he shared what encouraged him and gave his own advice to others in regard to following their dreams. Matthew has starred in a few theatrical productions, sung in a band, written numerous songs, and is now working on the next big thing. When I hear Matthew Tricarico’s voice I can picture him on Broadway and that’s where I see him in a few years, especially when I hear his song, Another Painful Day. The lyrics speak to you as they tell a story that you can picture in your mind. I personally love when you can hear a story in an artist’s music. Especially when you can interpret it in a few different ways, it tends to touch more people that way.
You can download Matt’s music from the following retailers:
Itunes, Amazon, cdbaby in addition to on Google Play, Spotify, and other online music retailers!!! You’ll feel moved by his lyrics. The CD has some rock and soft rock.
My personal favorite songs were: When We Fall, I Don’t Say it Enough, Another Painful Day, Thank You and Cant’ You See.
If you’re one of our lovely readers in New Jersey you can see Matt in “Jekyll and Hyde” at the Union County Performing Arts Center for four days, from October 29th to November 1st. Get your tickets now by clicking here!
Check out our interview with Matt Tricarico Below.

When did you realize you had a love for singing?
Singing sort of fell into my lap. I joined a band at age 15 and when our lead singer left, I was elected to be the singer. Being shy, I fought it for a while but it’s turned out to be the thing that made me come out of my shell.
Tell us about your album, is it your first, how did it come to fruition?
This is my first album. When I came out with the song, “When We Fall”, a lot of people began commenting on how much they enjoyed it. A good friend of mine planted the seed in my head that I should make an album. I kept hearing the suggestions over and over again and it felt like a sign that I needed to do this. I stopped putting it off and just went for it.
Tell us about the process it took you to make the album?
I know a lot of people who strongly enjoy/pursue music and they’ve helped me along the way. As I usually do in the beginning of my songwriting process, I start by writing lyrics and melodies regarding topics that I feel strongly about. I spent about a month and a half experimenting with different song topics and overall material that would eventually become the CD. Afterwards, I took the material I had written and incorporated music with the help of my acoustic guitar. The last step in the songwriting process was for me to bring all my blueprints to my old band mates Robert McCall and Errol Beutell, so that they could bring what was going on in my head to life. After that the songs were mixed and mastered. The next part was to think about the graphic approach that best complimented the songs. After many revisions to my vision, I chose what I think best represents my sound and message to the listener.
Did you write the songs, how did you learn to do that?
I began writing poetry at a young age. That’s actually how the band discovered or pushed me into singing. They found a notebook I had with poems and they assumed them to be song lyrics. Since music is very much like poetry, it worked but I knew I could do better in terms of writing actual song lyrics. I began to experiment with different ways of writing and composing songs. Eventually, I found what worked for me and I haven’t stopped writing ever since. I also listen to music almost 24/7, which I think helps aid me in becoming aware of song structures that work as opposed to ones that don’t. Good music tends to inspire me.
Where do you see your music career in five years?
I’m always thinking of a new idea. My mind is always brewing up something new for me to try. Between songwriting, acting, and singing, I just hope that I am still doing all of them in five years. I try not to let life get in the way too much. I like to make time to do what makes me feel happy. Music makes me feel happy so though I really can’t say for certain where I will be in five years in terms of my music career, I look forward to whatever is in store.
What inspires you to do music?
Music is a way for me to express myself. Music is a way for me to learn more about myself and about life in general. Good lyrics make you think, good instrumentation can alter your mood, and a good song can change your perspective. Music inspires me to write music.
What is your favorite quote and why?
“Born to live and live to learn” – Matt Tricarico
“The will to live will always outweigh the ability to die” – Brent Smith
The first quote was one I made up for myself a while back when contemplating my life. The lead singer of Shinedown said the second quote. Shinedown was and still is one of my favorite rock bands and they are in part responsible for inspiring me to pursue my dreams whether it be music related or not.