Too often, adults experience burnout and are looking for a place to hide. We juggle so much nowadays that it’s hard to find and keep a balance. This summer I tried meditating, tried girls nights and while it all helped a bit, consistency is key and it was lacking. Difficult as it is to make time for ourselves we have to find a way to do it and be consistent about it. My dear brother would tell me all the time, “An empty bag cannot stand alone.” He meant that I had to take care of myself FIRST if I wanted to take care of others. Yet there I was on the verge of another burnout. As a mother, a daughter, a wife, a sister, a friend, an entrepreneur, how do you do that? How do you take care of yourself and remember that you need time, you need love, you need a shoulder, you need rest, you need all of those things that are demanded of us day in and day out. A local church with witty signs posted this week, “Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” That’s exactly what happened to me a few weeks ago.
I had a serious case of burntoutness (yes I know that isn’t a word but follow me for a moment) I felt like the world was caving in on me.
I was weak, I’m not perfect. As positive as I try to be, looking at the cup half empty caught up with me and I broke down emotionally. All of the bad thoughts came rushing in and all the pretty things in my life looked dull. I had pushed myself to a place of not caring about me! It’s amazing how quickly it happened and also amazing how quickly my fog evaporated. Who knows, maybe I can blame it on hormones, but it doesn’t matter. The truth is that I was spent and I had to show myself some love, break away from the speeding train and take a break.
I took three days and spent them with my loved ones. We tried new adventures, disconnected from social media, received love from my friends, by voicemail, text, email and phone calls. Happily we went to be near the ocean, taking time to just stare out at nature, it all brought me back to reality. Then, just like that, my body, my emotional well being, my mental state all started recuperating. A quick fall and a quick rise, because that is life, we fall down again and again and we get up again and again. We are all human, and we must remember that when playing so many roles to so many different people.
I remind myself that I chose this path, I am choosing my path and doing “side jobs” that I love and enjoy, to fill my empty bag.
I just have to know that not going full speed 24/7 is okay. It’s important to be consistent in the time I make for myself. Allow myself the knowledge that mistakes will happen along the way; Reminding myself that the only race is that with myself and to know that I’m not alone. I am sharing this with you to remind you that you too must fill your empty bag so that it will remain full and able to hold up those around you. You can avoid your own burnout. You’re on the right track, don’t just sit there, get off and enjoy the different stops of your journey, just make sure you get back on to follow the dreams that fuel the passion in your soul.