Have you ever stumbled upon greatness, knowing that what you’ve just discovered is going to stay with you for life? It could be a person, an experience, a book, but in my case it was the discovery of a soulful voice, that voice was Phil Perry. Back in the mid 90’s I discovered him at a jazz concert in Sayreville, NJ. I was 20, not even legal yet and had this thing with another amazing singer, Howard Hewett. His album, It’s Time, was out and the song, For the Lover in you, was my jam. When I heard that Mr. Hewett was going to be in concert just a few towns over from me, I jumped at the chance, bought 2 tickets and was excited to see him, not really knowing who “George Duke and Friends” were. But if George Duke was friends with Howard, then I was going to be there!
So, I went to this concert that featured George Duke, Phil Perry, Howard Hewett, Dianne Reeves and George Howard. I remember I had bought the tickets for myself and a date but after that date went left, I ended up taking my 14 year old sister. We were definitely the youngest people in the entire building. She had never really listened to Jazz before let alone have any desire to go see a bunch of people she never heard of, but she obliged. We didn’t know what to expect and were nervous they’d ID us. We were probably the only Latinas in the house that evening. We sat at a table that was near the stage. I wasn’t able to sit right next to my sister though so that was a little strange but once the concert started we were entwined with the music and performers. I was there for Howard Hewett but I tell you I left a die-hard fan of Mr. Phil Perry. Every single one of those performers brought the house down. Diane Reeves can blow and George Duke, well self-explanatory, but when Phil Perry hit the stage, ooooooooohhh weeeeeeeee I was mesmerized. I had NEVER heard a voice like that; to me he sounded like a male version of Mariah Carey. Pipes that can blow as strong as the wind or as soft as a feather. When he sang, “If only you knew”, (I had not heard the original by Patti LaBelle at that time) I was blown away! Holy Smokes, the emotion, the pain, the heartfelt emotional lyrics with a voice of an angel… It was a done deal then, I was a Phil Perry Nut!
Since that first time I discovered him, I have since gone to see Phil Perry perform two more times. Once at a jazz concert in upstate NY, and then at a concert hall somewhere near Long Island. Phil Perry, born in Illinois, started out as part of The Montclairs in the early 70’s. After the group disbanded, he moved to Los Angeles and in 1985 married the love of his life, singer Lillian “Tang” Tynes. 30 years later they are rocking steady and still making beautiful music together. Mr Perry has just released his eleventh solo album entitled, A Better Man. It’s been #4 on the billboards Top Jazz Album thus far. Why the name? Because of his wife, he has said, “She’s living proof that a man who finds a wife finds a good thing. I’m “A Better Man” now because she is my biggest fan, and my crown.” His voice is recognizable and mesmerizing; you know when you hear that golden voice of an angel. To my delight, the album features a song with Howard Hewett called, “Stand Up”. The song has a message that speaks to unity, equality and standing up for what you believe. A wonderful message much needed at this time due to the high racial tensions our nation has been experiencing recently.
Mr. Perry is going to be a guest speaker on, “Brunch in the Basement with JaVonne” this Saturday 2/14/15 through WBJR Internet BlogTalk Radio. If you recall, JaVonne is our latest inspirer featured on last month’s inspirational corner. You can read that post here. Phil and his wife Lillian will both be speaking with the host and taking your calls and questions. Please join us Saturday from 11am to 1pm and enjoy the wonderful Phil Perry and his music. If you are yet to discover this soulful voice, I encourage you to make this discovery that will truly tingle your ears and heart. You can hear the show online or by calling in. See event info below.
Check out Phil Perry singing one of my favorite songs, “If Only You Knew” Live at a BB Jazz Event.
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