So it is September 1st. That’s exciting. Even though there are 3 more weeks until Fall officially begins, this month always signifies the start of something new, leaves begin to change, the cool air returns in waves, the days get a little shorter and soon Halloween, the BEST holiday EVER, will be here. Time to break out the skeletons in the closet, the decor in the garage. While the leaves don’t change here in FL the way they do in other parts of the country, it’s still a precious time for me. I chose my wedding to be in Fall, because of the beauty of the season.
Well, I digress. While we started school two weeks ago, this is the time many kids are starting school elsewhere. Here’s hoping that fall is amazing and enlightening for everyone. Learn something new as often as you can, share the knowledge, feel gratitude as often as possible and prepare for the after school activities, the holidays, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. Let’s close out 2014 by making these next four months the best they can be.