I am joining other bloggers this month for the 2015 NaBloPoMo. Oh, you’re asking yourself, “What the heck is that?” no worries, let me explain 😉 NaBloPoMo is short for National Blog Posting Month but it sounds so weird right? However, the concept is dope, it’s a time where thousands of bloggers commit to writing and posting daily. What a great way to practice your craft no matter how daunting the task sounds. It makes me wanna write, write and write but the hard part is editing, finding the right pic to fit with your story etc. Like right now, do I leave “wanna” as is or edit it to “want to.” And then which picture do I use? Those are the things that take me most of the time. Blogher has these prompts you can follow to help get your brain wheels rolling and writing. You don’t have to use them all the time but they are there to help if you need them.
Today’s prompt is: What was the one toy that a friend had that you wished you had when you were little?
When I was little, I wanted a monchichi… do you guys remember that cute little baby monkey that sucked its thumb? oh my God it was the cutest little thing and I loved it. I did get one, it was even a cartoon for a short while. Do you remember? I still have mine and can remember taking it to pre-k with me. Almost all the kids had one. I loved that little thing and here’s a picture of it now. We’ve had to crazy glue the fur back onto the head so it looks a little weird.

I don’t know where the stain on his cheek came from but it’s still so adorable, isn’t it? I tried handing it down to my kids, both, but neither cared too much for it. Oh yeah, it’s cute mom but then I’d find it at the bottom of a toy box, twice. Poor little monchichi. Right now Pokemon rules in this house. But I still have love for ya little baby monkey. Did you have a monchichi growing up?
Yessss I totally miss this monkey. I had one in kindergarten but someone stole it. I was deviated. But I told my ex about the story and he bought me one. I cried. Because it was the thought behind it. I still have it. So cute.