As she started the fun #ChingonaFest Project, I fell in love with her interviews of very cool women. Her questions crack me up and she tells it like it is. She doesn’t hold back and she’s reminded us that being a #Chingona is a good thing! So, what is a Chingona? If you google it, it will tell you it’s a Mexican bad word with negative connotations. My Mom is from Guatemala and I heard that word growing up as well. It’s crossed borders, it even has crossed meanings and as Pauline describes in her post, How to Raise a Chingona, some use it as a term of endearment. So for Pauline, it was like, hell yeah, I’m gonna raise a Chingona! And I’m going to try to do the same.
Pauline’s 5 tips on How to Raise your Daughter to be a Chingona, in the good sense of the word, a badass, are below:
1. Don’t just tell her she’s pretty
2. Be the woman today you hope she will become tomorrow
3. Celebrate her voice
4. Teach her to be her own best friend
5. Break from tradition.
Ya’ll just need to read the article because it’s full of awesomeness. Check out her latest #ChingonaFest Interviews posted on Fridays and be inspired by clicking here.
You can follow Pauline on twitter @Pauline_Campos and follow the Chingona Fest Project at @
During one of Pauline’s fun twitter parties I won a lovely necklace from TheJewelria. Check it out.
Wearing my Chingona charm necklace reminds me to embrace the badass that I can be, the non shit taking woman I am and follow my dreams, be the best mama that I can be and not feel lesser than anyone!
As you can see below, even my daughter loves the Chingona charm necklace. So are you going to raise a Chingona?! Join the movement!
You can order these from and check our their product pics on their instagram account @TheJewelria.